Special Offers
Buy 3 Get 1 FREE
Buy any 3 of your favorite single items (excludes cases and gift items) and pick any 20oz or 1lb tin to add to your order absolutely free! (12 free items to choose from)
Add a 40oz tin of salted peanuts, a 3 lb. bag of raw peanuts and a 20oz tin of chocolate clusters... or maybe 3 of the same item. Whatever your favorites might be, simply add them to your shopping cart, enter promo code B3G1 and a drop down box will appear for you to choose your free item. It's that simple!
Offer Details:
- Add 3 qualifying items to your cart.
- Use promo code B3G1 at checkout.
- Applies to online orders only.
- Does not apply to previous orders.
- Does not apply to case items or gift items.
- Offer ends Sunday, January 12th at midnight.